
Dear world,

When I was young, I always wished that someday I would grow taller, so that I could see the world. I was hopeful when the rain came and poured on me. I smiled the whole time, thinking that I was growing. But I saw my old friends didn’t have smiles on their faces. Is it because the world is boring? And not fun anymore? Or simply because they don’t like the world?

I cannot ask them because they are tall enough. And they couldn’t hear me speaking beneath from them. These questions are playing in my mind and I am craving for accurate answers. Again, the rain came, and the wind blew my tickling leaves. I was laughing and my heart was occupied with lots of joy. And I heard a melody that surrounded me. There were birds singing and flying around me. I saw myself growing taller. I can see now a little view of the world my friends are always seeing. There is smoke. I’m thinking once more that this world is happier than I can only imagine. This world is full of excitement and fun. Even so, I am still in the midst of growing. 

The sun embraces my whole being and I can’t resist its warm welcome. It says ‘ Welcome to this wonderful world.’ So I can’t wait a long time before I grow. I am eagerly excited. Days passed by, I became taller and taller. And the rain fell on me again, and I saw a strange thing that stole my wondrous eyes. A colorful rainbow is engraved inside this heart. And not knowing I had achieved my wish. I reached my dreams that I only wished before. 

The rain, wind, birds, the sun, and rainbow complete me. It helps me to be who I am today. Yet, my high expectations of what the world is all failed and really broke my whole heart. 

When I grow up, my life has change. Yes, my dreams came true to see the world. But the world’s dreams are to destroy us. This reality kicks me out of my imagination world. I witnessed how cruel the world is. Its not antics thingy any more, it’s the reality I face everyday. 

Every morning I am awakened because of the stink I smell. The thrown garbage was disgusting to me. Hours pass by, and not just one person has thrown away garbage, but many, a lot, or several people. The wind blows smoke. It makes me giddy. The smoke comes from a factory, cigarettes, garbage, and vehicles. I want to feel the fresh air again. I guess, my smile came back when I saw my little friends. The birds that make me glad are now just passing by, and wearing their lonely faces. My whole face brings back the sadness of this life. I never experienced the warm embrace of the sun because it was too hot and burned my skin, I thought it was the rain healing my pain from burning, but it was the sweat falling down into my leaves. 

My heart sucked. These scenarios always happen every day. I want to sleep in the morning because nightmares happen, because every time I wake up, one of my friends has gone. I’m scared that this cruel world will also kill me. 

I just look up every morning at the sky, waiting for the rainbow that will appear. There’s no rain. I feel dry, and old. I am weak and tired of living in this world that gave me birth. My questions to my fellow friends got answers. But still I am living with a big question mark in my brain. 

Why was I born? Why am I breathing? Why do they destroy us? Is it because we are just trees just standing in the same area? Is it because the environment is not important? Are we not important? 

My questions were answered by a little drop of rain. We are important. Indeed, the rain was used for us to live, because we are useful. We are rooted in this world to have a legacy and help the world. My heart wrenches when I remember how my fellow friends continually sustain us even when they are gone. The fertile soil is their legacy to the remaining.

But this lethal feeling kills me. I thought it was just a feeling, but it was not. The nightmare I’m always escaping. A nightmare that destroys everything. This real world is cruel. I just felt my heart broken and my tears falling while my leaves set free from my hold. My fellow friends are all lost. Cut by them and die from fire. 

I have only one wish. ‘World, please hear our broken symphony until there’s still an extant. Don’t let us lose without our story told to everyone. Let us be one of your friends you are taking care of. ‘ 

I finally smile, and this filthy world pierces my aching heart. And stole my last breathe. I fall down to where my life began; to soil. 

Your friend,

“Strong branches
Yet, e’er wishes.”

Postscript 01: I edited its grammatical errors, but never replaced the words I used before. (08-06-21,05) (16, unknown)

Postscript 02: I wrote this in my 8th grade. A child I was.

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